Ms. Bette Manchester

Ms. Bette Manchester

For seven years, Bette Manchester led the Maine Learning Technology Initiative as the first Director of Special Projects. Through her leadership, MLTI focused on the 'learning,' not on the technology. After retirement from MLTI, she co-founded the Maine International Center for Digital Learning with Angus King and served as MICDL's first Executive Director.  Bette has spoken nationally and internationally at the request of governments and organizations in Australia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Denmark, France, New Zealand, and Sweden about leadership and sustainability in 1-to-1 programs, capacity building and 21st Century Learning, and the "Maine" story. 

Manchester is the recipient of many awards including Principal-National School of Excellence, National Distinguished Principal of the Year (1997), Milken Education Award (1991), Maine State Librarians Award (2004),  Dr. Inabeth Miller Education Technology Award (2005), the Friday Institute Award for Innovation in Education NC State (2007), as well as the Distinguished Leadership Award from Maine Superintendent's Association (2011). Bette began her career as a teacher, director of special education, and principal at Bowdoin Central in Bowdoin and Mt. Ararat Middle School in Topsham. She now serves on the board of MICDL, and works part time on special projects and initiatives.