Welcome to the Quarterly Newsletter for ACB Maine

October 2022

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News Small GraphicConvention - November 5, 2022

ACB Maine and PTGDU Partner for our Annual Virtual Convention November 5, 2022 Program and Registration form included in the Newsletter. Register by October 29th to get the Zoom number sent to you.

Convention Registration and Forms

Click the following link to download the Registration/Dues Form

October 2022 Registration and Dues Form

Please note - This form should be returned by October 29.

Please consider sharing this with any interested people!

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President's Message

Hello members and friends of ACB of Maine:

It is hard to believe that we are approaching the end of the year. I want to thank all of you for allowing me to serve as your President. We have had some great accomplishments throughout the year and I would like to, in this President’s message, take the time to show my appreciation for those who have made this year a success!

*Not in any particular order.

The creation of our newsletter, created by Roger Fuller and Carolyn Bebee, full of valuable information, which reaches out to our members and friends throughout Maine. It has brought a lot of attention and interests and has been a valuable addition to our organization! Many thanks to Roger and Carolyn for all your work on the newsletter and for all your patience with this president who is always tardy with her message.

The ACB of Maine Scholarship, with the assistance of Lynn Merrill, has reached students throughout Maine, bringing in a number of applicants this year! When I approached Lynn with the request to take on this project for 2022, she agreed, without hesitation. Lynn, all of your work on the application and letters to organizations, schools, colleges and universities is very much appreciated!

ACB of Maine introduced a series of Tech Talk with Steve Sawczyn! Originally, Steve was scheduled for 6 sessions, however he has graciously volunteered to continue the Tech Talk series to the end of the year. We are so grateful to Steve for his generosity, expertise in technology and incredible good nature in providing these monthly sessions!

The annual ACB of Maine Convention to be held virtually on November 5th. is going to be especially exciting and informative, due to the persistence and dedication of the 2022 Convention Chair, Sherry Belka. We are hoping for a record attendance. Sherry, thank you for all your hard work to make this year’s convention to be fabulous!

I would like to express my gratitude to the 2022 Officers. Vice President, Sherry Belka;  Treasurer, Cheryl Peabody; and Secretary, Nathanael Batson. If not for your dedication, experience and knowledge, our accomplishments would have been minimal. Not to mention that board meetings would have been a nightmare as I relied upon all of you to help me with Robert’s Rules and correcting my errors. You did this without judgement or criticism. Thank you for all your support and for serving with me this year!

To this year’s Board of Directors: Mary Ellen Frost, Debbie Walker, Carolyn Bebee, Joel McQuade, Bruce Archer and Roger Fuller. Thank you for your participation in bi-monthly board meetings that sometimes had a very full agenda. You were very patient with my lack of experience and knowledge of board meeting protocol. Thanks to all of you for serving on the ACB of Maine’s Board!

Last, but not least, to all the members of ACB of Maine, your loyalty to this organization by continuing your membership is so much appreciated. Some of you have attended the board meetings and offered helpful ideas and suggestions, which are always respected and welcome. Please continue to keep your membership active and stay involved, after all, this is your organization!

****Don’t forget to register for Convention by October 29th! Join ACB of Maine or renew your membership! We need people like you to keep our organization going!!

****Save the date of November 2nd for Pine tree Guide Dog Users’ Fall Membership Meeting and stay tuned for more information.

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Convention Notes

Hello members and Friends of ACB Maine,

The officers and board of directors are pleased to present you with the 2022 ACB of Maine virtual convention. We hope that you find this year’s program offers topics of interest and a worth while experience. We are thrilled to be offering this convention in collaboration with the Pine Tree Guide Dog Users.  We enthusiastically welcome this collaboration.

With any luck, we will be together for an in-person convention next year.

Below is program information as well as registration/membership instructions.

ACB Maine – A Vision of Hope 2022 Convention Program

9:30 – 10:00 Welcome and Introductions President Leona McKenna

10:00 – 11:00 Keynote Speaker Svetlana Ehlers

Svetlana Ehlers is an 18-year-old from Missouri with a unique story. Due to a premature birth, Svetlana’s eyes did not fully develop, and she was left blind. She was born in Armenia and her parents could not care for her so she was left in an orphanage where she was abused.

At the age of 9, Svetlana was adopted and came to the United States. She is now a senior in high school and was chosen as the student of the month by Freedom Scientific. She is very involved in many groups and activities both at school and in her community. The Civil Air Patrol and the Cane Drivers are two of the groups in which she belongs. Svetlana will speak about adversity and the challenges she has faced in her own life. Time for audience questions and conversation with Svetlana will be included in her presentation.

11:00 – 12:00 Scholarship Applicants Panel Discussion

This will be an opportunity to discuss with our scholarship applicants the challenges they face and what ACB of Maine as an organization can do to assist younger people with their goals.

12:00 – 1:00 Lunch

1:00 – 2:00 Foundation Fighting Blindness (FFB)

FFB will present information regarding research, treatment and innovations for retinal diseases that affect 10 million American’s.

2:00 – 2:15 Break

2:15 – 3:30 Business Meeting

Approval of minutes and Treasurer’s report.
Constitution & Bylaws
Scholarship Winners Announcement
Election of Officers and Directors

3:30 Open discussion.

Just kick back and enjoy some time visiting and sharing with old and new friends.

Door Prizes: There will be 6 $100 Visa gift cards drawn throughout the day. You must be a member to win and for all drawings, you must be present to win.

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Convention Registration and Forms

Click the following link to download the Registration/Dues Form

October 2022 Registration and Dues Form

Please note - This form should be returned by October 29.

Alternatively - Electronic Method for Paying Dues:
Go to the acbmaine.org website and select ACB of Maine Membership link. There you can pay by using PayPal, debit card or credit card. Click this link for the Electronic Membership Page



It's election time and you can request an Accessible Absentee Ballot from the Secretary of State. In this way, we all get a chance to vote despite any handicapping conditions.

Click this link for information - Absentee Ballot Information

Click this link to request an Absentee Accessbile Ballot -  Absentee Accessible Ballot
